Thursday, September 9, 2010

Why don't black people camp? - looking at the ethics in camping activity.

An interesting article discussing the camping activities among various cultures. As the activitity becomes more and more popular internationally nowadays, it's worth looking at the intangible issues which might be the core for a big change within the camping industry. How do white people see camping? Why do black people stand out among white campers at camp sites? Do Asian camp? How is it different from the European camping?

Excerpts from the article:

 "the fact that rural areas have such a low ethnic-minority population. "I worry that people will be mean or unfriendly with me," Amal says. "Basically, I'm worried they will be racist."

"...Asian families tend to go on holiday with a whole load of people and a whole load of stuff; so they can be worried about putting people's noses out of joint."

"...Kiren tells me her parents, originally from Pakistan, would never have taken her camping. "Culturally, you are considered poor if you live or stay somewhere without brick walls."

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